Slideshow with thumbnail page option

Ludo82 / 2017-08-09 09:30:03   

Hello Indexhibiter friends,

First of all, thanks a lot Vaska for the Indexhibit V.2.1.4, the new functionalities are fantastic and giving so much more options and controls on the design, so thank you for taking the time to update it, and I'm already looking forward to the future updates.

Now, I have a quick question about the Visual Index/Slideshow plugins:

I would like to use an exhibit that works primarily as a slideshow with the large images coming first, but with a link that would give the option to load the images as thumbnai. So I imagine that it would work simirlaly to the Visual Index but with the functions swapped or inversed.

In the past, I had managed to customise the Slidethumbcombo to do just that, swapping the order of the slideshow and Thumbnails, but I wasn't able to update my plugin for Indexhibit v2... I have tried to edit the codes of VI and Slideshow plugins, as I guess what I'm trying to do shouldn't be too difficult to achieve but I have so far failed to make any progress...

I have also read many of the threads on the forum about these plugins, and seen a couple of users asking similar questions but I couldn't really find any helpful answers or tips..

Maybe it is because my coding skills are very limited, but if anyone could help and give a little hint to how I could modify the VI plugin (or Slideshow if it's easier to start there...?) to achieve what I'm trying to do, or even just direct me as to where in the plugin I should look at editing the code, that would be already very helpful!!!

Thank you very much in advance, and keep up with the good work.


Vaska A / 2017-08-09 12:53:08   

At one point I had a version of VI that had a display first image first option. I have no idea what happened to that. It does exactly as you want. Maybe it makes VI more useful again?

I'll dig around...

Ludo82 / 2017-08-09 18:13:38   

Thank you for your reply, that version would be perfect. And that would VI definitely very useful as that would definitely the main exhibit I will use then ;)

Thanks again for taking the time.


Ludo82 / 2017-08-17 12:32:08   

Hello Vaska,

I was just wondering if you have had any chances to look around for the version of VI that could display the images first?

If not or if you couldn't find it, no worries...
but it would be great if you could give me a little hint as to how modify the actual VI plugin to try to show the images firt.

Thank you so much

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