Hi Again,
Just to say I fixed the issues with my website but will post the things I have learnt to help fellow new users.
Problem 1: My domain name linking back to my host's template page rather than my index page after installation.
Solution 2: As this was to do with installation problems I spoke to my webhost to resolve the issue - it takes a long time but they can resolve it. I think this particular issue was to do with permissions on files. I spoke to the namecheap support team and they recommend 755 permissions are used for folders and 644 for files on our server. Otherwise, the files can be blocked by the web server. Also the host had mod-security installed and it was blocking many things from functioning. I had this removed/whitelisted by them. Here is a helpful thread if you think this could be an issue:
Problem 2: Once everything was installed - there was no admin pannel
Solution 2: This seems to have been a bug. I followed the instructions on this thread and it is now fixed.
Took 3 days but it was worth it! Thank you forum for the helpful info