in my 0.73 version Indexhibit version I made some newspage. It's at joostbataille.nl. I can refer to images by writing '
in my 0.73 version Indexhibit version I made some newspage. It's at joostbataille.nl. I can refer to images by writing '
/files/news_images and the webpage loads them.
In indexhibit 2.1.4 this seems to be broken. I have write the full path to the imagefolder, like joostbataille.nl/indexhibit214/files/…. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks, regards,
I think the default root folder for images in the version 2.1.4 is /files/gimgs.
I've fixed this while upgrading to version 2.1.5. I've omitted the version number in the filepath on the webserver and it's working fine now.
This thread has been closed, thank you.