Recently had an email from my website server saying they are only supporting php 7.0 from mid October. Will Indexhibit work with 7.0?
Recently had an email from my website server saying they are only supporting php 7.0 from mid October. Will Indexhibit work with 7.0?
Yep. PHP 5.6 and greater...
OK great!
One of the sites in my server space was written using Indexhibit V1. Is V1 compatible with php 7?
Hi, related to the topic,
I am installing Indexhibit for a friend, he has a php 7.0 server, I followed every steps and when I write "mywebsite.com/ndxzstudio/install/…" I got that message "Indexhibit
you need php 5.6 or greater" and can't continue the installation. What could be the problem ?
Run phpinfo to check what the server is really running. I have seen a few servers that say they are running a particular version and they were not. Need to talk to your webhost then...
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