Images were disappeared after the update to V2.1.4 can figure it out why

mcc / 2017-11-01 13:33:39   


I called my host in the morning to upgrade to PHP 5.4 and he did. After that I backing up my website. I uploaded that the new "ndxstudio" file as well as index.php . I logged in and clicked the yellow mark on the top of the screen. I waited but there was a blank page. I re-logged in and saw that I upgraded. When login to my admin account I can see that I upgraded to V2.1.4 but "No mobile theme, no new statistics, nothing new" and also cannot see my images and the projects. Do you guys know what could be the problem.

My website is,



mcc / 2017-11-01 13:54:26   

update, now I can see the new plugins but still can't see the images.

I also uploaded ndxsite and new plugins appeared.

Vaska A / 2017-11-01 14:08:02   

Refresh all of your exhibits by visiting them (edit page) in the studio. It will regenerate your images.

mcc / 2017-11-01 14:21:47   

Dear Vaska,

Actually, I did refresh the exhibits couple of time before but this one it worked :) I really didnt get it why it happened. However, the menus on the left of the screen disappeared. Do you know why this happened? How can I fix it?

mcc / 2017-11-01 15:25:32   

All the problems are solved :) Thanks

Vaska A / 2017-11-01 15:39:27   

Be sure that you update the root index.php file (need this if you want mobile Indexhibit, too).

This thread has been closed, thank you.