Super nice that the journal feature was added to Indexhibit, really looking forward to using it.
But i have a little problem with it, i hope someone can help me fix.
I have updated Indexhibit to the newest version and installed the journal module.
Everything works fine so fare. Entries are posted to the journal page and displayed one after another.
But when clicking on the headline for one single entry, I get an 404. Somehow the single entry is not fetched with the right URL. I can manually find the right entry by altering the URL.
All journal entries: theniller.com/index.php/mit/
When clicking on an entry headline the 404 error comes up: theniller.com/mit/2018/01/18/en-mere/
Altering the URL by adding index.php to the single entry gets the right URL: theniller.com/index.php/mit/2018/01/18/en-mere/
Somehow the index.php part in the URL gets skipped, is that an error on my end, when setting up the journal module?
And why is the index.php part added to the URL in the fist way for the journal module, should the URL structure not be something like: site-name.com/journal-name/date-string/journal-entry-name ?
Thanks for any help in advanced :-)