Unfortunately, there is a new wave of hacking happening around the net so I thought I would write a thread about how you can clean up your site.
1. Go here isithacked.com/ and input your URL.
2. If hacked, simply view the source code of your site and look for a block of code (javascript).
3. Common files that you can check for hackers on your site:
- .htaccess file
- index.php (check all of them if it persists)
- check templates (.php) files in your theme folder
- check javascript (.js) files in your theme folder
4. Remove obvious chunks of javascript that should not be there.
Always backup your site at key moments - like when you finish installing and load your first set of works. Restoring your backup in the even of a hack is the quickest way to alleviate the problem (otherwise you need to search for the code manually).
Upgrade your version of Indexhibit to the newest version. Unfortunately, bugs happen. In the past year there have been a couple updates involving security issues - updating is critical.
Keep an eye on your site. Websites are like cars and do need maintenance from time to time.
Hopefully, you haven't been hacked (which is a great time to update). It's sadly an annoying inconvenience but a reality on todays internet.
Good luck!