problems with journal module

Carole_Bailly / 2018-02-03 09:04:29   

I encounter some difficulties to use the journal module. The journal entries do not appear on my "journal" section (I choose "collect_journal_4" for the "section object" and I choose this section in the options of the collection) . And I have noticed that I cannot modify the options of the journal "format" (I get "this page doesn't exist...").
Furthermore, I cannot delete the collection I have created.…

version 2.1.5
php 5.6.33


Carole_Bailly / 2018-02-06 14:23:47   

I still have problems with the journal module. I have reinstalled my website and i can now publish entries, but i still cannot modify the journal format.

On my section journal, the date, the name of the entry and the text appear together... and when I click on the date, nothing happens...

Please help!

Vaska A / 2018-02-06 15:37:02   

In the 'options' section of your Collection, what template is it using? It should be using index.php.

You can find that when your mouse is over the collection entry link (for the journal). I think you are just missing a setting like that...

Carole_Bailly / 2018-02-08 10:25:04   

Thanks a lot for your answer, Vaska.

Yes, the template used was media.php. I have changed for index.php and now it seems to work fine.

But, I still cannot change the options of the "journal" format, when I activate this format in Admin>Formats. When I click on "options", I only get a blank page. Maybe is it normal?…

oscarsahl / 2018-02-17 22:09:24   

How do we delete a collection in order to start over?

Vaska A / 2018-02-18 00:26:58   

You can't, yet. Unpublish and start a new one. I'll work on it soon. It's a free's not an Indexhibit thing even.

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