After install username and password didnt work and email wasnt recognized

Normancz / 2018-03-03 19:36:20   

So while installing on firefox I ran into the "check config" issue with my database information. However when I tried opening up in chrome it said indexhibit was already installed. I never entered my own username and password and index1 and exhibit didn't allow me access. What can I do should I delete all the files and start over?

Normancz / 2018-03-03 21:17:48   

I have the problem again... I deleted all the files and reinstalled and had the same problem with the database information and getting check config error over and over i tried different database possibilities always getting that error and then when i checked in another browser the page says indexhibit already installed. But then when i go to try to sign in i cant, because i obviously dont have the password or username since i didnt make one.

Normancz / 2018-03-03 21:44:14   

I also tried using the resetpassword file but index1 and exhibit dont work to get me in after that either

Normancz / 2018-03-03 22:13:22   

i have been consulting with my webhost namecheap and they can't figure it out and said that only indexhibit can

Vaska A / 2018-03-03 22:21:15

Normancz / 2018-03-03 23:39:01   

thanks that worked!!

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