Indexpand links issue

lainda / 2018-03-13 15:17:11   

Hello, I've a problem with indexpand.
I'm working on this website:
When indexpand is enabled, the links to the subsections don't work (you can just open the pages right-clicking and then "open in a new tab"). As soon as it is disabled, the links start working again.
Am I doing something wrong?

(the website is still under construction)

Vaska A / 2018-03-13 16:16:06   

Go to Admin > Plugins and enable Indexpand options. You can tell it to ignore particular section titles.

Otherwise, this is how it works - in order for things to expand/collapse the link on the section title has to be turned into a trigger (and not a standard link to something).

lainda / 2018-03-14 16:42:23   

Thanks Vaska, fast-replying as usual!
I may have been unclear with my question, so let me try again (sorry about it):
In Admin>Plugins>Indexpand:
Mouse behav CLICK: i click on the section title (i.e. Photography) and it expand the list, but I cannot open the subsections clicking on the subsection titles;
Mouse behav HOVER: when I move the mouse over the section title it expand the list, and now I can open the subsections by clicking on the subsection titles.

My question is: is it possible to open the list by clicking on the section title, and then open the subsection by clicking on the subsection title?
I have enabled the indexpand with the Mouse behav CLICK, so you can see what I am talking about.
Thank you very much for your hard work!

Vaska A / 2018-03-14 17:05:18   

oof...i guess that is why i never released subsections right there. haha...

so, all of the exhibits on your site are actually subsections? that seems like a limitation. they should simply be exhibits. a subsection implies there are exhibits below it, but i don't see that on your site (looking at the code).

wouldn't that solve the problem?

This thread has been closed, thank you.