Slideshow problems

geronymakis / 2018-03-13 16:07:43   

Hi all,

Some time ago I updated my Indexhibit to version 2.1.5
I updated my ndxzsite and ndxzstudio. After updating I wanted to use the slideshow, but it seems there is an error. I can't move between my images and it shows the number of pictures incorrectly. Also I can not adjust the size of my images when using slideshow.
I searched the forum a bit but I couldn't really find an answer to my question.
Anybody encountered the same problem?
Thanks a lot

Vaska A / 2018-03-13 16:19:00   

I don't see any slideshows on your site. Set one one up and link here so I can try to see the error messages...

geronymakis / 2018-03-14 09:40:30   

Vaska, sorry for not setting one up, I did now.

So I played a bit with it, and it actually shows the number of pictures correctly. But I can not move between the pictures, it just stays at the first one.
The link to the slideshow:

geronymakis / 2018-03-14 09:41:08…

Vaska A / 2018-03-14 13:23:47   

I can see the problem but I don't understand what's going on. Can you send me your studio login and ftp so I can look at some files?

support at indexhibit dot org


geronymakis / 2018-03-14 13:46:24   

Just send you the details. Thanks a bunch

Vaska A / 2018-03-14 14:15:39   

resolved. you missed some files when you updated but easy enough to deal with. ;)

geronymakis / 2018-03-14 19:22:52   

Thanks again! Happy that I can use the slideshow now.

cnitsch / 2018-05-04 16:51:02   

I am also having an image resize issue. I'm creating a slideshow with the "slideshow" plugin. All of the images are relatively similar in length and width except for one. The one image is rectangular and long. It's original upload size is 800 x 116px, but the "Image Max size" is set to 400px.

It seems like this long image is breaking resize functions. That image is resized, but still appears very large and pixelated. So the pixels count has changed, but it is enlarged on the page.
Any image that I upload after that also appears to have resizing problems.

Here's a link to the page.

cnitsch / 2018-05-04 18:10:43   

Actually, there's something else going on.
If you load the page for the first time it will show a properly resized image. But if you click through the thumbnails and eventually it cycles to the first image, the first image is now larger than the first time around.

can anyone make sense of this?
Is it a Mysql problem?

This thread has been closed, thank you.