I noticed there's an update to indexhibit because of malware security issues. Is there a change log?
I've done some editing on the backend and would like to know what files I've edited that have to be re-uploaded.
I noticed there's an update to indexhibit because of malware security issues. Is there a change log?
I've done some editing on the backend and would like to know what files I've edited that have to be re-uploaded.
I should also add that I have been hacked and have malware on my site.
I have a backup of my whole site, but I'd like to install the update with updated security settings, but need to know if there's a changelog.
At Github there is a history of changes. But, it's easier than that...
There are four or five files in /ndxzsite/plugins that begin with "plugin.jxs_***.php" that all need to be replaced with the newest versions.
The root index.php file should be updated, as well, if you want to use the built-in statistics (which you then enable in Admin > Plugins).
You can delete the jxs_statistics file...
The rest of the /ndxzsite folder (your theme) can be left untouched. If you have been customizing the backend you'll just have to compare files (Kaliedoscope is handy).
Ah right. It' on Github now.
Thanks for this. that did the trick and i'm all set now.
This thread has been closed, thank you.