Indexhibit v2.1.5 Changelog ?

cnitsch / 2018-03-14 16:40:04   

I noticed there's an update to indexhibit because of malware security issues. Is there a change log?
I've done some editing on the backend and would like to know what files I've edited that have to be re-uploaded.

cnitsch / 2018-03-14 16:41:41   

I should also add that I have been hacked and have malware on my site.
I have a backup of my whole site, but I'd like to install the update with updated security settings, but need to know if there's a changelog.

Vaska A / 2018-03-14 17:00:28   

At Github there is a history of changes. But, it's easier than that...

There are four or five files in /ndxzsite/plugins that begin with "plugin.jxs_***.php" that all need to be replaced with the newest versions.

The root index.php file should be updated, as well, if you want to use the built-in statistics (which you then enable in Admin > Plugins).

You can delete the jxs_statistics file...

The rest of the /ndxzsite folder (your theme) can be left untouched. If you have been customizing the backend you'll just have to compare files (Kaliedoscope is handy).

cnitsch / 2018-03-15 20:03:53   

Ah right. It' on Github now.
Thanks for this. that did the trick and i'm all set now.

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