List All Exhibits (regardless of section) on Main Page

jamesjohncliff / 2018-03-17 18:14:53   

Is this possible:

I would like to see the Index bar on the left, and a simple continuous list of all exhibits in the body?

Is there some kind of plugin code similar to this one for exhibits?


jamesjohncliff / 2018-03-17 18:33:27   

Perhaps for clarity - what I will ultimately like to see:

- in the Index is only the Sections (ie. 'projects' or 'writings'), but without the whole list of exhibits beneath it.

- in the body is a complete list of all exhibits (ie. project 01, project 02, writing 01, writing 02), regardless of which Section it sits beneath.

- bonus points would be if I can then click on a section in the Index (eg. 'projects') and then all exhibits from that section change colour in the list (eg. project 01, project 02, change from black text to red text, whilst writing 01, writing 02 stay in black text)

Any help much appreciated.

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