I found out, that me page is using a cookie calles "ndxz_last". What is that cookie for? As I don´t like cookies in general I´d like to deactivate it. How can I do this?
I found out, that me page is using a cookie calles "ndxz_last". What is that cookie for? As I don´t like cookies in general I´d like to deactivate it. How can I do this?
Delete the cookies.js file. But, if you are upgraded to new Indexhibit then you shouldn't have this already.
I will posting here on Friday about GDPR.
I can also mention, that cookie was never used. The plan was that it would be used to highlight things in the index (last visited date) but it was never implemented.
It never had any personally identifying information...just a date.
This thread has been closed, thank you.