How do I force SSL

riccardogiacconi / 2018-08-06 16:02:36   

I have a domain with HostGator. They sent me an email suggesting me to use their free SSL in order to redirect all the traffic to my website to a https version of it.

I have tried using their step-by-step guide, by modifying my .htaccess file, as they suggest here:…

But I can't find any way to do it.

Also, if I open a https version of my website with Chrome, the layout is wrong.
After they looked into the issue, the HostGator livechat told me they couldn't help me, suggesting I should ask a developer who knows indexhibit.

Any advice?

many thanks in advance.

Vaska A / 2018-08-06 23:16:40   

This website runs on HG and uses https. I can't really remember how I got it to work but it wasn't that hard. I believe I forced it via htaccess (found the code via Google).

You probably need to update your Indexhibit, as well (I think https ready didn't happen until v2.1.3).

Be aware of their licensing. One, this should be free. Two, mark it on your calendar the date it became active because it is on YOU to remember when it will expire and needs to be renewed. Not really a big deal, but when it expires your site could be non https for four or five days (this has happened to me twice with them - a reason I will no longer recommend them, too).

riccardogiacconi / 2018-08-07 10:56:28   

Many thanks, Vaska.

I have updated my Indexhibit, and since I couldn't make it work through any code in htaccess, I added a permanent redirect through Hostgator's Cpanel.

Now everything seems to work fine.

This thread has been closed, thank you.