Unable to upload images

falcao / 2018-10-16 09:41:02   

We have this site falcaodecampos.pt/ created many years ago and we never had any problem like this.
when we try to insert a file it is possible to choose and appears at the right side, but, at the left side it says that no file is selected. And when we press the upload button the file disapear. We tried jpg, png and gif with less than 355 KB. Google Crome and Internet Explorer.
Can you help us to fix this?
Thank you

lucaremotti / 2018-10-16 14:47:23   

Which version of indexhibit are you using?
There was quite a low limit for image sizes in previous releases.
I solved editing the code, but at the moment do not recall how.
A search will provide the info, I guess. I'll have a look.

falcao / 2018-10-16 15:05:45   

How can I Know the version of the indexhibit that I am using?
It's what appears at the right corner down the page? IndexhibitTM v0.70d?
The max file size is 200 MB and I can't upload images with 58 KB...

Vaska A / 2018-10-16 16:43:58   

Many threads on this topic already - search!


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