Can't access website

schaubster / 2018-10-19 03:17:57   

It has been several years (7+) since I updated my website ( and now I can't log in. I am not sure how to use the password reset instructions. Can someone please translate step by step into plain English how to use the plug in?

Where am I supposed to paste the plug in script exactly?

Thank you!

Signed: *not an expert*

schaubster / 2018-10-22 03:11:38   

After reading through more of the forum answers I tried pasting the reset.php file into my NDXZ studio folder and then tried to bring it up in my browser and got a 404 error. I have limited knowledge in this area so any help would be greatly appreciated. It looks like I have indexhibit version 7. Installed 2008/2009.

lucaremotti / 2018-10-23 16:11:23   

there is no version 7, but there was version 0.7.

here is how:

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