I am trying to upload a 624.7 KB image but getting the error that it is too big. I enabled the change maxsize plugin and set it to the absolute maximum and I still get this error. I'm using dreamhost. Does anyone know how I might fix this?
I am trying to upload a 624.7 KB image but getting the error that it is too big. I enabled the change maxsize plugin and set it to the absolute maximum and I still get this error. I'm using dreamhost. Does anyone know how I might fix this?
Did you get your Indexhibit from our Github?
I'm not sure if that's supposed to work yet? I can't remember...
Otherwise, try editing that option directly in /ndxzsite/config/config.php and see how it goes (you'll see the variable for that when you open the file).
Hi Vaska, thank you for the response. I can't remember where I got my indexhibit. I don't see a config.php in my config folder but I see these variables in /ndxzsite/config/options.php :
// image quality
$default['img_quality'] = 100;
$default['systhumb'] = 150;
// images max size kilobytes
// be careful with shared hosting
$default['maxsize'] = 500;
Can you recommend the maximum values I can set these to or would that be a question for my host?
Go for the max - 10000000000. Haha...just don't try to upload a file that big because it will crash the server (and process).
Shared hosting is a limitation - it's just not possible now to upload a 15 mb photo.
This thread has been closed, thank you.