Troubleshooting php 7.2

zgragges / 2018-10-30 19:50:08   

Hi Vaska
I built my website with the indexhibit version 0.73 around 2012.
But after I didn't do anything with php and css.
Now the host changed the php from 5.6 to 7.2 and my homepage is nothing than a white leaf. After that I updated from 0.73 Indexhibit to the actual version 2.1.5 Indexhibit. After the update I could login again (before no!).
Now it seems to work, but I don't see the images. It's like the grid of my version with php 5.6 is on the website but without any images. I don't also see the exhibition formats. I see only "tags" - nothing else. I guess I used Iwakami and Djuve, but I don't know exactly.
I really love my homepage. Do you know, how I can fix the problem?
Or do you know someone in Switzerland who could help me with the problem? I a little bit lost with my problem. Thank you very much for your help.
PS: I backuped the hole folders of the FTP server of the version php5.6 and I also backuped the hole folders of the verson php7.2.
So I have my full content of the old and the new version.

Vaska A / 2018-10-30 21:11:23   

Pre 2 to v2 and above is a big upgrade - you have to reapply your changes. Those formats no longer exist - they were never supported by myself and were never part of core Indexibit, as well.

This sounds pretty messed will take some work. Probably better just to start over and reupload, etc...

zgragges / 2018-10-31 09:12:43   

If I delete the content of the upgrade to version 2.1.5 and reupload my old version of 0.73 and test my content by another host to return for short time on php 5.6 - just that I see my homepage. Will my homepage then work again? I mean can I do the login to indexhibit again? And can I use my old exhibitions by the php 5.6 version? I mean just that I could make some screenshot of my homepage to do my homepage new on the base of the newest version 2.1.5. Thank you very much for your help.

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