substitute content on ftp server

zgragges / 2018-10-31 12:11:18   

Hi. I updated on version 2.1.5 but it doesn't work because of the change from php5.6 to php 7.2. It is "missing" the config folder. Before the update I made a backup of my old version of 0.73 with the whole content of the ftp-server.
Can I delete all the folders on the ftp-server and replace them with my backup of the old content of 0.73 about "drag and drop"? Is it possible? Or how can I substitute the content on the ftp server of the new update with my elder content with the version 0.73?
Thank you very much for Help.

Vaska A / 2018-10-31 16:24:47   

why? it does work. you must have deleted something (accidentally).

otherwise, yes, go ahead and delete the files (BUT DO NOT TOUCH THE FILES FOLDER UNLESS YOU REALLY HAVE BACKED IT UP) and re-upload your old files.

when indexhibit upgrades it actually creates a second set of tables in your database so your old and new sites theoretically exist separately.

zgragges / 2018-10-31 19:53:54   

because I can't login on the indexhibit site to the cms

the host error file says:

[Wed Oct 31 20:33:46 2018] [php7:error] [pid 10227] [client] [host] PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in /is/htdocs/wp12199635_NZJF8BOC0G/www/ndxz-studio/lib/error.php on line 9

Do you have any idea? I mean I have a blank homepage site and I can't go in the cms. What can I do?
Thank you for your help.

Vaska A / 2018-10-31 21:05:05   

Because you are trying to login into / will not work with php 5.6 or greater.

Login into /ndxzstudio.

zgragges / 2018-11-02 14:46:11   

Hi Vaska. Can try the update from 0.73 to 2.1.5 again?
Or can I do this only once?
When I upload the content of the 0.73 again on the FTP server and do the same process of the update again?
CAN I DO this a SECOND time????
Thank you for your help

Vaska A / 2018-11-02 16:20:08   

Yes, you can try it over and over. But, I fear the more you are moving files around you will delete something you should not - be very careful (make a good backup before anything else most especially the 'files' folder).

This thread has been closed, thank you.