updating problem after migration

ewaeckerle / 2018-11-02 16:54:08   

my website is 9 years old and I have just migrated it for the first time (from webfactional to cloud above) and since then I cannot create new items (pages etc..). I can load a new page and fill it in with text and images but it does not appear in the index and cannot be previewed. I can only update or edit existing files.
I have checked with the host provider and they have reset all permissions. The problem persists. any advice welcome.

ewaeckerle / 2018-11-06 17:15:28   

Hi again. the host provider has found a solution to my problem.
This may be useful to others.
They had disabled ModSecurity on my account and this didn't resolve the issue. Then they made some changes to their MySQL instance, reducing their rule set to comply with older code bases which they thought may be compatible with the old version of indexhibit I am using.
and it works !

Vaska A / 2018-11-06 18:18:17   

Or, a better solution is simply updating Indexhibit. Old code will not work for years even with these changes. This is why we have to update things...

This thread has been closed, thank you.