about v2.1.5

zgragges / 2018-12-15 20:13:59   

Hi Vaska

I like to start all over again. Is the latest version to download 2.1.5 and could I install it directly? Or is this the v2 and then I have to upgrade as a second step to v2.1.5?

I like to run my homepage on v 0.73 (php 5.6) parallel till I have built up my new homepage on v2.1.5 (php 7.2). Is this possible?
I mean my Login for the version 0.73 is: stephaniazgraggen.net/ndxz-studio/
and the Login for the version 2.1.5 will be: stephaniazgraggen.net/ndxzstudio/
Then I can let run it parallel with two different db and user, correct?

I tried to upgrade my old version 0.73, but all my exhibits didn’t imported, even the rest seemed to be OK. (I used exhibits that weren’t supported from you, my fault…). That’s the reason to start all over again.

Thank you for your short answering

Vaska A / 2018-12-16 17:08:55   

If you are using PHP 5.6 you can run both at the same time. But, of course, webhosts want to do away with PHP 5 and very soon.

There is an installer bug for much older Indexhibit I'm trying to sort out - I can't even understand the problem fully yet. I hope I will have an updated installer soon...it's alot of work though and I'm already on my end of the year family vacation.

zgragges / 2018-12-16 19:29:39   

Hi Vaska
Thank you for your quick answering. Maybe my english is not good enough...I changed the host because they took all skript from php 5.6 from the server. I had a blank homepage like a lot of users here...
The new host has the skript only till february 2019. For me it doesn't make sense to built up my new homepage on php 5.6 because I would have a lot of work with the adjustment of all the plugins, templates, exhibits formats etc....It's all different skripts.
You mean I can not use the download indexhibit-master for a new installation and run it on php 7.2? You mean there is a problem that indexhibit doesn't run on php 7.2?

Thank you for your short answering

Vaska A / 2018-12-16 21:02:53   

Yes, of course it was blank - the old version needs to be upgraded (I can't answer the same questions over and over). We do not control what happens with PHP and there have been some big changes to the language over the years.

Of course it runs on 7.2. - I posted in the News about things recently.

zgragges / 2018-12-17 19:58:28   

Thank you Vaska for answering and have a nice vacation with your family :)

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