links not working

blacktigerclaw / 2018-12-30 20:51:23   
  1. hi, i didnt migrate, but still can't get links to work within the main page and in an exhibit page, to point to one another or to an external link.
  2. i can only make the internal links work if they are not visible. external links don't work at all.
  3. with 'internal links' i mean the ones pointing to an existing page / exhibit. with 'external links' i mean for instance something on w3school or youtube.
  4. example internal link:
  5. <a href='' alt='' title='Main'>Main</…;
  6. this doesn't show anything in the preview. but on the place where the text of the link is, appears a hand, that i can click. and it does bring me to the main page.
  7. adding this ¬† makes the tekst of the link visible, but makes the link inactive. there is no 'link hand', when you hover.
  8. thus this is the example including the added code i found on the forum
  9. <a¬†href='' alt='' title='Main'>Main</…;

i already tried to move the htaccess file
my host has a www folder that is sitting on the root
i can't install on the root itself, because then it doesnt show when i follow the steps. it doesnt see the install.php unless it is in their 'publish' folder.
i tried the htaccess file both in the www folder and in the root.
no difference.
i also deleted it in both places. no difference.
also can't find the options.php in which to change the mod_rewrite.
please advise.
can anyone help me out?

btw the preview button for the forum doesnt work

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