add a gif

daubal / 2019-01-25 16:11:27   

how can i add gif and video on my website?
thank you.

Vaska A / 2019-01-25 16:23:23   

You have some really nice work, Frederique!

Just upload a gif. But, transparent and animated gifs aren't going to work well - do not recommend. You could insert an animaged gif via FTP and HTML, though (old school).

Video - easiest via Vimeo or Youtube. There are plugins for both of these to make it easy. Plus, you can simply cut/paste their embed codes into the text space.

Uploading video is difficult with Indexhibit, unfortunately. It basically has to be mp4 and it can't be very large. Most people use the above methods.

Vaska A / 2019-01-25 16:24:51   

Also, upgrade your site to the newest Indexhibit version...

Vimeo and Youtube plugins can be turned on in Admin > Plugins.

daubal / 2019-01-26 21:51:41   


thank you Vaska,
i wanted to avoid vimeo interface...
i am going to try to upload...


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