First of thanks for the great tool provided!
While working to setup this: czvekrigby.com/test/ , I have been searching in forums + asked google, but can't seem to find an answer to my question...
I cannot find out how to change the order of the thumbnails in the visual index under the "projects" section...
I can drag the order of subsections within the admin>sections area, but this doesn't seem to affect the order of thumbnails, which I suspect simply to be ordered following their creation date (oldest at top left, newest bottom right). I've tried hard refresh and on different browsers without success.
I've seen on different forums threads that this could have to do with setting up the Section Organization to "sectional" rather than "chronological", but don't get these options. Instead I can choose between "default", "chronological" or "tags", but switching between these doesn't seem to make a change...
Also, I don't know if this might be related, but within the section tab of the admin folder, I am able to modify and update the title of the subsections (it appears updated in the tab of my web browser), but I can't seem to be able to change the folder names, which are stuck to the original names chosen at creation of the subsection.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!