I've got an indexhibit site (A) successfully installed and running on a server, and now want to add a second indexhibit site (B) on the same server and using the same database at the back end.
I'm getting confused about the various steps required to make this happen, and while previous threads explain parts of this process, nothing has clearly outlined an end-to-end method that works. This is the reason for my question. I think this will be a multi-part thread as each stage in the installation process brings different challenges.
Where to install the second indexhibit?
I'm assuming that I will need to install indexhibit again each time I want to set up a new site. In my example, there's an indexhibit installed and running for site A, so I'll need to install a new indexhibit on the same server for site B.
The root for site A is at /var/www. Where should the root for site B go? I have tried at /var/www2 but do not know whether or not this is good practice. What do other people do?
Why is install.php failing?
I then copy the indexhibit installation files to /var/www2, fix the folder permissions with chmod as per the usual installation instructions, and try to run install.php in the browser. This always fails. I think the URL is wrong but do not understand why.
I've tried various versions of this but they all fail.
Next steps
If / when I can get install.php to run, I'm expecting to follow the guidelines about changing the database prefix so as not to contaminate the existing database for site A. I won't elaborate on that next step until I have solved the install.php and site B install location questions.
Can anyone help?