Upgrade A Version Two Indexhibit

Updating an Indexhibit 2 website

It is quite safe and easy to update an Indexhibit verion 2 or greater website. We have separated the 'studio' from the 'website' which allows for very easy updates.

Before performing any kind of upgrade or update backup your files.

After you have downloaded and unzipped your Indexhibit files, you simply need to only reupload the 'ndxzstudio' folder. Afterwards, when you log in to the studio you will see a yellow banner across the top of the studio with a link to complete the upgrade. Unless there are additional instructions, you are then updated.

Updating files in the 'ndxzsite' folder should only be updated on a case by case basis - per format, per plugin, etc.

Updated: February 6, 2018

Update all files in /ndxzsite as well. If you have made any customization to these files be sure to work them back into the new files. Check your theme folder for any strange code (see the Hacking tutorial). And be sure that you do not overwrite your /ndxzsite/config/config.php file. When you are completed and everything is working, backup your site, as well.